Virgo marriageVirgo marriage: Which signs are Virgos most likely to marry or divorce? Which sign is the best match for Virgo?

Based on astrological compatibility, we would expect Virgos to favor the earth signs (Tauruses, Capricorns, and other Virgos) and certain water signs (Cancer and Scorpio), but are there any marriage statistics to back this up? A number of researchers have examined trends in marriage and divorce based on sun signs, and the findings of these studies are summarized below.

Studies of Virgo Marriage and Divorce with Other Signs

Sachs (1998) conducted a large-scale study of sun sign trends in Switzerland, which included data for nearly a million people. This research yielded a number of statistically significant differences (differences too large to be random chance), including marriage and divorce rate variations.

Sachs found that Virgo men were more likely to marry Virgo women than those of any other sign and had an above-average divorce rate with Aries women. Other differences in marriage and divorce rates were statistically insignificant. The following is a list of Virgo men’s marriage partners in descending order of frequency (statistically significant differences are marked with an *):

  1. Virgo*
  2. Scorpio
  3. Taurus
  4. Libra
  5. Sagittarius
  6. Capricorn (Capricorn and Cancer had the same marriage rate)
  7. Cancer
  8. Gemini
  9. Leo
  10. Aquarius
  11. Pisces
  12. Aries

Sachs also found that Virgo women chose Virgo men most often as their marriage partners and had a below-average marriage rate with Pisceans (Virgo’s opposite sign). There were no other statistically significant differences in marriage or divorce rates. The following is a list of marriage partners for Virgo women in descending order of frequency:

  1. Virgo*
  2. Aquarius
  3. Cancer
  4. Leo
  5. Aries
  6. Capricorn
  7. Scorpio
  8. Taurus
  9. Sagittarius
  10. Libra
  11. Gemini
  12. Pisces*

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As expected, Virgos paired up most frequently with other Virgos, which suggests that shared attitudes, interests, or lifestyle preferences brought them together.

Finding Pisces at the bottom of Virgo women’s marriage list is also an expected finding, as these two signs have very different ways of relating to the world and to their partners. Virgo tends to be rational and emotionally detached, whereas Pisces experiences powerful feelings that may be difficult for Virgo to deal with or even comprehend. Pisces might find Virgo cold, closed off, and unaffectionate, while Virgo may view Pisces as impractical, unrealistic, and naïve. However, if other elements in their natal zodiacs such as their moon and rising signs are more compatible, romantic prospects will be vastly improved for this sun-sign pair.

It’s also unsurprising that Virgo men are more likely to divorce Aries women. Aries is an assertive (in some cases combative) sign, and a typical Aries seeks excitement and enjoys taking risks, while Virgo is inclined toward caution and practicality.  Virgo may find Aries careless and irresponsible, while Aries believes that Virgo is unnecessarily fussy or cautious. Aries also tends to be passionate and expressive, whereas Virgo dislikes drama and emotional scenes. Although this can be a difficult pairing, their prospects are improved if the Aries has a more pragmatic rising sign or the Virgo has a more fiery, expressive rising sign.

Castille (2000) also explored the question of sun sign compatibility by conducting similar research in France, though he only looked at marriage rates. This research included statistics collected over more than two decades, encompassing over six million marriages.

Like Sachs, Castille found that Virgo men married Virgo women most often and had a below-average marriage rate with Aries women, though other differences in marriage rates were small. The following is a list of Virgo men’s marriage partners in France, in descending order of frequency (only the differences for Virgo and Aries were statistically significant):

  1. Virgo*
  2. Leo
  3. Libra
  4. Sagittarius
  5. Scorpio
  6. Cancer
  7. Taurus
  8. Capricorn
  9. Gemini
  10. Pisces
  11. Aquarius
  12. Aries*

Castille found that Virgo women also chose Virgo men most often as their marriage partners, and that they had a below-average marriage rate with Aquarius men. Other differences in marriage rates were not large enough to be considered statistically significant. The following is a list of Virgo women’s marriage partners in descending order of frequency:

  1. Virgo*
  2. Libra
  3. Leo
  4. Taurus
  5. Scorpio
  6. Cancer
  7. Pisces
  8. Gemini
  9. Aries
  10. Capricorn
  11. Sagittarius
  12. Aquarius*

These findings accord well with astrological predictions. Virgo and Aries are considered a challenging match, and although the Aquarius-Virgo match can be intellectually stimulating, there is great potential for conflict with this pairing. Aquarius is one of the least practical signs of the zodiac, which will aggravate Virgo. Moreover, Aquarians tend to be sociable whereas Virgos are often lone wolves who like their privacy (the exception to this rule is a Virgo with a more extroverted rising sign). To make matters worse, Aquarians have low boredom thresholds and may gravitate to impractical or even risky life choices to keep things interesting. Virgos, on the other hand, are usually far too sensible to upend their lives on a whim. However, there is some common ground as both signs tend to be progressive and intellectually oriented, so if their rising or moon signs are more compatible, this can be an interesting match.

Two more studies were conducted in subsequent years. The first, completed by Voas (2001), examined marriage rates by sun sign for millions of people in the UK. Based on the findings, Voas concluded that sun signs did not influence marriage choices. The second study, undertaken by Helgertz and Scott (2020), looked at marriage and divorce rates by sun sign in Sweden. While the authors did find some differences in marriage rates, they often did not align with astrological predictions. In some cases, there were actually higher marriage rates for incompatible sign pairs than supposedly compatible pairings. Divorce rates also did not follow predictable patterns. Although one research model suggested a slight tendency for incompatible signs to divorce more often, when the authors examined differences in divorce rates by levels of compatibility, they found that divorces were lower among both the most and least compatible sign pairs and higher among those that fell somewhere in the middle. Additional models yielded similarly inconsistent findings, and based on these results, the authors concluded that astrological compatibility does not predict marriage or divorce probabilities. Other factors that were far better predictors of divorce included prior history of divorce and having children under 18 years of age at home.

So, why did all these studies have such different findings? Different methodologies were used in each case, and some of the research methods may have been better than others. Also, the percentage of people who believe in astrology varies from one place to the next, and in places where belief in astrology is high, people are more likely to choose partners they believe will be astrologically compatible. In other words, those who believe in astrology may create the trends themselves by choosing their partners based on ideas about astrological compatibility. However, astrologers would argue that the studies are not valid because they focused only on sun signs, ignoring other elements in the natal zodiac that can affect compatibility.

Which Sign Is the Best Match for Virgo Marriage?

The findings of the first two studies suggest that Virgos are most compatible with other Virgos, but plenty of relationships between supposedly incompatible sun signs have lasted. Two people who have incompatible sun signs may have very compatible rising signs and moon signs.

While the sun sign gives an indication of our core personality, the rising sign is the outer personality or the mask we wear for the world, and the moon sign indicates our emotional life and ways of feeling and relating. Other natal zodiac placements that are important to personality and compatibility include Mercury (communication style), Venus (love and friendship orientation), and Mars (sexuality).

If you’d like to learn more about your natal zodiac placements, you can visit a site such as and enter your birth data (time, date, and place) to get a chart and a list of your zodiac placements. If you don’t know your birth time, you can’t find your rising sign, but you can still discover your other placements.

More About Virgo

Virgo Personality Profile

More About Astrology

Read about other sun signs: Aries *  Taurus * Gemini * Cancer * LeoLibra * Scorpio * Sagittarius * Capricorn * Aquarius * Pisces

Read about moon signs: Aries Moon * Taurus Moon * Gemini Moon * Cancer Moon * Leo Moon * Virgo Moon * Libra Moon * Scorpio Moon * Sagittarius Moon * Capricorn Moon * Aquarius Moon * Pisces Moon

Learn more about astrology: Astrology FAQ


  • Bugler, C. (Ed.) (1992). The Complete Handbook of Astrology. Marshall Cavendish Ltd., Montreal, 1992.
  • Castille, D. (2000). Sunny Day for a Wedding. Les Cahiers du RAMS.
  • Helgertz, J., & Scott, K. (2020). The validity of astrological predictions on marriage and divorce: a longitudinal analysis of Swedish register data. Genus, 76(1), 1-18.
  • Sachs, G. (1998). The Astrology File: Scientific Proof of the Link Between Star Signs and Human Behavior. Orion Books Ltd., London.
  • Voas, D. (2007). Ten Million Marriages: A Test of Astrological ‘Love Signs’. Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research.
    Woolfolk, J.M. (2001). The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need. Madison Books, Lanham, MD.

Wedding couple at sunset image courtesy of Kongsky,


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