Sagittarius marriageSagittarius marriage: Which signs are Sagittarians most likely to marry or divorce? Which sign is the best match for Sagittarius?

Based on traditional astrological predictions, Sagittarians should be most compatible with the fire signs (Leo, Aries, and other Sagittarians) and with certain air signs (Libra and Aquarius), but are there statistics to support this?

Some researchers have explored the question of astrological compatibility by looking at marriage and divorce statistics for large populations in various nations, with mixed results.

Studies of Sagittarius Marriage and Divorce with Other Signs

One of the best-known large-scale astrological studies is that of Sachs (1998). Sachs looked at data for nearly a million people in Switzerland to determine whether sun signs predicted certain life trends, including the likelihood of choosing those with particular sun signs as marriage partners. In keeping with astrological predictions, Sachs found that Sagittarius men had an above-average marriage rate with Aries and Sagittarius women, and a below-average marriage rate with Capricorn and Pisces women. Moreover, they were less likely to divorce the theoretically compatible signs of Aries and Aquarius but had an above-average divorce rate with Geminis (though their divorce rate was also above average with Leo women).

The following is a ranking of marriages with Sagittarius men from most to least frequent. It should be noted that most differences in marriage rates were small (statistically significant differences, which are too large to attribute to random chance, are marked with an *):

  1. Aries*
  2. Sagittarius*
  3. Leo
  4. Aquarius
  5. Taurus
  6. Cancer
  7. Virgo
  8. Libra
  9. Gemini
  10. Scorpio
  11. Capricorn*
  12. Pisces*

Sachs found that Sagittarius women most often married Sagittarius men. There were no significant differences in marriage or divorce rates for Sagittarius women with any other sun sign. The following is a ranking of marriages with Sagittarius women in descending order of frequency, though most marriage differences were small:

  1. Sagittarius*
  2. Libra
  3. Gemini
  4. Taurus
  5. Virgo
  6. Aquarius
  7. Pisces (same marriage rate as Cancer)
  8. Cancer
  9. Scorpio
  10. Capricorn
  11. Leo
  12. Aries

Based on these findings, we can expect that two Sagittarians will have good relationship prospects in many cases. They are likely to share a love of travel, an interest in lifelong learning (preferably outside the classroom), and a philosophical outlook. They also tend to be independent by nature and inclined to give each other enough personal space to pursue their own interests. Neither is prone to jealousy unless other elements in their natal zodiacs create more possessive personalities. Moreover, Sagittarians don’t typically require a lot of emotional reassurance, instead preferring blunt honesty. They also tend to favor new experiences over safe routines, so lifestyle preferences should be well-aligned.

The above-average marriage rate between Sagittarius men and Aries women would also be predicted by traditional astrologers, as these two naturally adventurous signs usually seek novelty and excitement, prefer a forthright way of interacting, enjoy physical activities, and like to maintain some independence within a relationship. The Sagittarius-Aries pairing should be quite compatible unless other elements in their natal zodiacs are less well-matched (for example, a Sagittarius with Virgo rising would be quite different from a typical Sagittarius).

Sagittarius men were slightly less likely to marry Capricorns, also in line with astrological predictions. Capricorn and Sagittarius can be a challenging match because Capricorns thrive on stability and security while Sagittarians tend to be impulsive (even to the point of recklessness) and careless with money. Sagittarians are dreamers and sensation seekers, whereas the typical Capricorn is pragmatic and thinks about the future as well as the present. Sagittarius might find Capricorn dull or miserly, while Capricorn believes Sagittarius is selfish or careless. Further problems may arise from the clash between Sagittarian boisterousness, gregariousness, and (at times) tactlessness and Capricorn dignity and diplomacy. However, if the Capricorn’s ascendant is a fire sign (creating a more adventurous personality) or the Sagittarian’s ascendant is in an earth sign (ensuring a more sensible and practical approach to life), these two will be far more compatible.

Sagittarian men also had a below-average marriage rate with Pisces women, likely because Sagittarian bluntness and Piscean sensitivity make for a volatile combination in some cases. However, the Sagittarius-Pisces pairing should be more compatible if the Sagittarius has his ascendant or moon in a water sign, or the Pisces has a fire sign ascendant or moon.

The one unexpected finding in the Sachs study was the above-average divorce rate for Sagittarius men ad Leo women because these two signs are considered to be very compatible. However, they may part ways more frequently because some Leos are overly possessive or require more attention than Sagittarius wants to give, or because Sagittarius will not make any firm commitments or says hurtful things in the heat of the moment (things that another Sagittarian would probably get over quickly, but can cause irreparable damage to more sensitive Leo).

On the other hand, the above-average divorce rate with Gemini may result more from the traits these two signs have in common than their differences. Gemini and Sagittarius are both quick to grow bored with routine and constantly searching for new experiences, so this combination may lack staying power in some cases.

The divorce rate was lower than average with Aquarius, and it’s no surprise that Aquarius has better-than-average luck in holding a Sagittarian’s attention. Both signs are outgoing, open-minded, philosophical, easy going, and often somewhat eccentric or rebellious. This is an intellectually stimulating match and a very compatible one. Emotionally detached Aquarius is less likely to be bothered by Sagittarian bluntness or insensitivity than those of many other signs, and Sagittarius won’t mind that Aquarius likes to spend time with many different people as opposed to being an isolated twosome. Both value personal freedom and are inclined to pursue new experiences and take chances rather than seeking security and establishing cozy domestic routines.

A couple of years after Sachs completed his research in Switzerland, Castille (2000) conducted a study of marriage rates by sun sign in France, examining over six million marriages spanning 1976 through 1997.  Like Sachs, he found that Sagittarian men had an above-average marriage rate with Sagittarius and a below-average marriage rate with Pisces (differences in other marriage rates by sun sign were small enough to be considered statistically insignificant). The following is a list of marriage rates with Sagittarian men in descending order of frequency:

  1. Sagittarius*
  2. Libra
  3. Leo
  4. Aquarius
  5. Gemini
  6. Aries
  7. Cancer
  8. Capricorn
  9. Scorpio
  10. Taurus
  11. Virgo
  12. Pisces*

Castille found that Sagittarius women also married Sagittarius men most frequently, but in France they had a below-average marriage rate with Taurus men. The following is a list of Sagittarius women’s marriages by sun sign in descending order of frequency:

  1. Sagittarius*
  2. Scorpio
  3. Capricorn
  4. Virgo
  5. Libra
  6. Aquarius
  7. Pisces
  8. Aries
  9. Cancer
  10. Leo
  11. Gemini
  12. Taurus*

    All About Sagittarius: An Astrological Guide to Personality, Friendship, Compatibility, Love, Marriage, Career, and More! Available in Paperback and Kindle

The lower frequency of Sagittarius-Taurus marriages accords with astrological predictions. Tauruses crave security and stability, and they tend to be reliable, acquisitive, sensible, stable, and habit-bound. Sagittarians, on the other hand, are typically impulsive, inconsistent (or even unreliable in a worst-case scenario), non-materialistic, and far more inclined to make major life changes on a whim. Sagittarius may find a typical Taurus boring or possessive, while Taurus may find Sagittarius reckless, careless, and destabilizing. However, if the ascendants or moon signs of the two partners are more compatible, this can be a far better match than would be expected based on their sun signs.

Two additional studies were conducted after the Sachs and Castille research. The first, undertaken by Voas (2001) in the UK, found no significant differences in marriage rates by sun sign. Another study, by Helgertz and Scott (2020) in Sweden, found marriage and divorce rate differences by sun sign, but these differences often did not align with beliefs about astrological compatibility. In some cases, marriage rates were actually higher among incompatible sign pairings. The authors also looked at divorce rates, and an initial research model suggested that less compatible matches might divorce slightly more often, though this effect was small enough that the authors dismissed it as negligible. Moreover, when they broke the data down by levels of compatibility, divorces were lower not only for the most compatible pairs, but also the least compatible ones, whereas those in the middle had the highest divorce rate.

So, why did four studies yield four different sets of results? The methodologies were different in each case, and it’s possible that some of the researchers used flawed methods that led to faulty conclusions. It’s also possible that more people believe in astrology in some places than others, and that those who believe in astrology choose partners they think will be most compatible, creating the astrological trends themselves.

It should be noted that all the studies focused on sun signs, which are easily determined based on birth dates, but there is actually a lot more to astrology than sun signs. To get a true measure of compatibility, you should look at the rising signs, moon signs, and planetary placements in the natal zodiacs of both partners.

Which Sign Is the Best Match for Sagittarius Marriage?

Based on the findings of some of the studies cited above, another Sagittarius, and possibly Aquarius, are top matches for Sagittarians. Astrologers would add other fire signs and Libra to that list. However, those who find themselves romantically entangled less compatible signs shouldn’t despair. There have been plenty of enduring marriages between astrologically incompatible sun signs, and there are often other elements in the natal zodiac that make a partnership more (or less) compatible than would be expected based on sun signs alone.

If you’d like to learn more about your compatibility with another person, you can enter your birth data on a site such as to calculate your natal zodiac. You’ll need your birth date, time, and place to get all the information. If you don’t know your birth time, you can’t find your ascendant, but you can still learn your other placements.

When assessing compatibility, look at not only the sun sign (core personality), but also the ascendant or rising sign (outer personality). In addition, the placements of Mercury, Venus, and Mars will provide information about communication styles, approach to love and romance, and sexuality.

More About Sagittarius

Sagittarius Personality Profile

More About Astrology

Read about other sun signs: Aries *  Taurus * Gemini * Cancer * Leo * Virgo * Libra * ScorpioCapricorn * Aquarius * Pisces

Read about moon signs: Aries Moon * Taurus Moon * Gemini Moon * Cancer Moon * Leo Moon * Virgo Moon * Libra Moon * Scorpio Moon * Sagittarius Moon * Capricorn Moon * Aquarius Moon * Pisces Moon

Learn more about astrology: Astrology FAQ


  • Bugler, C. (Ed.) (1992). The Complete Handbook of Astrology. Marshall Cavendish Ltd., Montreal, 1992.
  • Castille, D. (2000). Sunny Day for a Wedding. Les Cahiers du RAMS.
  • Helgertz, J., & Scott, K. (2020). The validity of astrological predictions on marriage and divorce: a longitudinal analysis of Swedish register data. Genus, 76(1), 1-18.
  • Sachs, G. (1998). The Astrology File: Scientific Proof of the Link Between Star Signs and Human Behavior. Orion Books Ltd., London.
  • Voas, D. (2007). Ten Million Marriages: A Test of Astrological ‘Love Signs’. Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research.
    Woolfolk, J.M. (2001). The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need. Madison Books, Lanham, MD.

Happiness And Romantic Scene Of Love Couples Partners Image by Num_skyman,


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