Gemini marriage

Gemini marriage: Which signs are Geminis most likely to marry? Are Geminis more likely to divorce particular signs? Which sign is the best match for Gemini?

Most astrologers think that Geminis will get along best with the air signs (Libra, Aquarius, and other Geminis) and two of the fire signs (Aries and Leo), but are there any statistics to back this up?

A few large-scale studies have been conducted over the past few decades to explore the question of sun sign compatibility, and the results of this research are summarized below.

Studies of Gemini Marriage and Divorce with Other Sun Signs

The Sachs study

Sachs (1998) used census data for nearly a million people in Switzerland to examine various sun sign trends, including marriages and divorces. He determined that Gemini men married Gemini women most often, and that their divorce rate with Capricorn women was slightly higher than average. On the other hand, they were more likely to stick with both the theoretically compatible sign of Gemini and the less compatible signs of Taurus and Scorpio. These were the only statistically significant differences in marriage and divorce rates (differences too large to be random chance). Marriage frequencies with Gemini men from most to least frequent are as follows, though most of the rate differences were small (* indicates that the difference was statistically significant):

  1. Gemini*
  2. Libra
  3. Taurus
  4. Sagittarius
  5. Scorpio
  6. Leo
  7. Aquarius
  8. Pisces
  9. Cancer
  10. Capricorn
  11. Virgo
  12. Aries

Sachs found that Gemini women also tended to marry Gemini men most often, while they had a below-average marriage rate with Taurus and Scorpio men (other differences in marriage rates by sign were small enough to be deemed statistically insignificant). They were also least likely to divorce Gemini men, but had a higher-than-average divorce rate with Scorpio, Sagittarius, and Aquarius men. Marriage frequencies for Gemini women with other signs were as follows, in descending order of frequency:

  1. Gemini*
  2. Libra
  3. Aquarius
  4. Cancer
  5. Aries
  6. Pisces
  7. Virgo
  8. Sagittarius
  9. Leo
  10. Capricorn
  11. Scorpio*
  12. Taurus*

It’s no surprise that Gemini men and women are more likely to marry and stick with Gemini partners. When two people share a sun sign, their attitudes, values, ways of relating, and lifestyle preferences are more likely to be aligned.

The slightly above-average divorce rate for Gemini men with Capricorn partners is also unsurprising, as these two signs are considered very incompatible. Gemini tends to take a lighter, more playful and spontaneous approach to life while typical Capricorns can be quite serious, ambitious, and pragmatic. As a result, Geminis can find Capricorns gloomy and oppressive, while Capricorns find Geminis flighty and irresponsible.

The fact that Gemini women were less likely to marry Tauruses and Scorpios than those of other signs also aligns with astrological predictions because Gemini flirtatiousness can create a combustible mix when paired with sun signs that are prone to jealousy. On the other hand, the staying power of some Gemini-Taurus, and Gemini-Scorpio matches does not accord with astrological predictions. However, it’s possible that the ways in which these signs clash gives these pairings a bit of an edge that keeps things interesting (Geminis fear boredom and often choose exciting chaos over calm stability). Another possibility is that Geminis are sufficiently open-minded and mentally flexible to adapt to more fixed personalities, and in some cases, both partners may benefit from the complementary strengths they bring to these relationships. Gemini can help those of fixed signs avoid becoming too rigid, while Taurus and Scorpio offer some much-needed practicality and stability.

The slightly above-average divorce rate with Sagittarius men is another expected finding, as these are opposite signs and therefore likely to gravitate toward different things in life. Moreover, both are restless by nature and quick to become bored and move on if things get too settled, which can make it challenging for either of them to maintain a commitment.

The above-average divorce rate between Gemini women and Aquarius men is surprising because these two signs are considered astrologically compatible. However, both tend to seek change and novelty, so they may drift apart more from the desire to grow and experience new things than from a lack of compatibility.

The Castille study

Castille (2000) examined marriage rates by sun sign in France. He found that Gemini men were most likely to marry Gemini partners but had a lower-than-average marriage rate with Pisces women. Sun sign pairings with Gemini men in descending order of frequency were as follows, though most differences in marriage rates were small:

  1. Gemini*
  2. Aries
  3. Scorpio
  4. Taurus
  5. Libra
  6. Virgo
  7. Aquarius
  8. Capricorn
  9. Leo
  10. Cancer
  11. Sagittarius
  12. Pisces*

Castille also found that Gemini men topped Gemini women’s marriage list while the marriage rate with Pisces men was below average. However, as with Gemini men, most of the differences among marriage rates were not that large overall. The following is a ranking of most to least frequent marriage partners for Gemini women:

  1. Gemini*
  2. Cancer
  3. Taurus
  4. Sagittarius
  5. Leo
  6. Aquarius
  7. Aries
  8. Scorpio
  9. Virgo
  10. Libra
  11. Capricorn
  12. Pisces*

    Gemini book
    All About Gemini: An Astrological Guide to Personality, Friendship, Compatibility, Love, Marriage, Career, and More! Available in Paperback and Kindle

How well do the Castille findings accord with astrological predictions? In addition to the Gemini-Gemini pairing making it to the altar most often, the lower rate of Gemini-Pisces marriages accords with astrological beliefs, as these two signs are considered incompatible. Pisceans are often quite sensitive, whereas Geminis can be oblivious to other people’s feelings at times (the exception is a Gemini whose moon or ascendant is in a water sign, as this tends to bring greater empathy). However, it may be the similarities rather than the differences between these two signs that cause problems. Both can be erratic, scattered, unrealistic, and overly idealistic at times. As a result, each tends to do best with a partner who can be a solid anchor, and neither can perform this service for the other unless their ascendants are in more stable signs.

The Voas and Helgertz and Scott studies

Two additional studies were conducted in the UK and Sweden. Voas (2001) used census data for millions of marriages in the UK, concluding that sun signs did not influence marriage rates. More recently, Helgertz and Scott (2020) examined marriage and divorce statistics in Sweden over a 34-year period (1968-2001) spanning more than 66,000 marriages to determine whether people were more likely to marry and stay married to those of compatible signs. Although the latter study did find differences in marriage rates by sun signs, they did not consistently accord with astrological predictions.

As for divorce, one research model used by Helgertz and Scott suggested a slightly higher divorce rate for astrologically incompatible matches, though the effect was small and they dismissed it is negligible. Then, when they broke the statistics down by levels of compatibility, they found lower divorce rates for both the least and most compatible pairs while those in the middle were most likely to divorce. Additional research models yielded similarly inconsistent results, so the authors rejected the idea that astrological compatibility influences marriage and divorce in a manner consistent with astrological predictions. The authors found that other factors such as education level, having children under the age of 18 at home, and prior history of divorce were much better predictors of divorce than sun signs.

Why did Voas and Helgertz and Scott come to different conclusions than Sachs and Castille? These researchers all used different methodologies, and some of their methods may have been flawed. The studies also focused solely on sun signs because they are easy to determine based on birthdays, but there is far more to astrology than sun signs. To get a true measure of compatibility, you would need to examine the full natal zodiacs for both people because those who have incompatible sun signs may have very compatible rising signs (ascendants) or moon signs.

If you’d like to learn your ascendant and other planetary placements, you can visit a site such as and enter your birth date (date, time, and place of birth) to get a chart and a list of your natal zodiac placements (or those of your partner if you have their birth data). If you don’t have a birth time, you can’t learn your ascendant, but you can still discover your other astrological placements. In addition to the rising sign (outer personality) and moon sign (emotional orientation), you should look at the signs for Mercury (communication style), Venus (approach to relationships), and Mars (sexuality) to get a better idea of overall compatibility.

Which Sign Is the Best Match for Gemini Marriage?

Astrologers would say that Gemini, Aries, Leo, Libra, and Aquarius are the best prospects for Gemini, and the Sachs and Castille study results suggest that another Gemini will be most compatible. However, research also indicates that some supposedly incompatible matches have good staying power.

It should be noted that even in the studies where sun sign marriage rate differences were found, they weren’t that large, so you shouldn’t assume your partnership is doomed based on marriage frequencies, or that you and your partner won’t be compatible. If other elements in your natal zodiacs are better aligned, a supposedly negative match could actually be quite harmonious. It’s also worth noting that perfect compatibility is not really possible; there will always be some differences and disagreements, so compromise is the key to staying power.

More About Gemini

Gemini Personality Profile

More About Astrology

Read about other sun signs: Aries *  TaurusCancer * Leo * Virgo * Libra * Scorpio * Sagittarius * Capricorn * Aquarius * Pisces

Read about moon signs: Aries Moon * Taurus Moon * Gemini Moon * Cancer Moon * Leo Moon * Virgo Moon * Libra Moon * Scorpio Moon * Sagittarius Moon * Capricorn Moon * Aquarius Moon * Pisces Moon

Learn more about astrology: Astrology FAQ


  • Bugler, C. (Ed.) (1992). The Complete Handbook of Astrology. Marshall Cavendish Ltd., Montreal, 1992.
  • Castille, D. (2000). Sunny Day for a Wedding. Les Cahiers du RAMS.
  • Helgertz, J., & Scott, K. (2020). The validity of astrological predictions on marriage and divorce: a longitudinal analysis of Swedish register data. Genus, 76(1), 1-18.
  • Sachs, G. (1998). The Astrology File: Scientific Proof of the Link Between Star Signs and Human Behavior. Orion Books Ltd., London.
  • Voas, D. (2007). Ten Million Marriages: A Test of Astrological ‘Love Signs’. Cathie Marsh Centre for Census and Survey Research.
  • Woolfolk, J.M. (2001). The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need. Madison Books, Lanham, MD.

Newly married couple image courtesy of Ponsuwan,


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